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Law of God Not Perfect

Journal of Discourses 2:314; “The laws that the Lord has given are not fully perfect, because the people could not receive them in their perfect fulness; but they can receive a little here and a little there, a little today and a little tomorrow, a little more next week, and a little more in advance of that next year, if they make a wise improvement upon every little they receive; if they do not, they are left in the shade, and the light which the Lord reveals will appear darkness to them, and the kingdom of heaven will travel on and leave them groping. Hence, if we wish to act upon the fulness of the knowledge that the Lord designs to reveal, little by little, to the inhabitants of the earth, we must improve upon every little as it is revealed.” — Brigham Young,  SLC,  July 8, 1855

Ensign, “The Living Prophet: Our Source of Pure Doctrine,” Nov 1998, 82; “Our protection from erroneous doctrine lies in an overriding belief in continuing revelation to the current prophet.” — Merrill C. Oaks

Psalm 19:7; “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.”

So. The law of God isn’t perfect, but the continuing revelation of man is? Yikes.

Since when was God controlled, or His actions dictated by man’s receptiveness to His commandments? When He spoke creation into existence, did He have to wait on the earth’s approval?

Mr. Young proved himself to be a liar by the sheer fact that not all Mormons practiced polygamy. If God had to wait to reveal His commandments until men were ready to receive them, why did so many early Mormons choose not to obey?

Brigham’s insight had nothing to do with the Lord, rather, his god resembles a fail-proof system ensuring leaders can’t be held responsible for their atrocious thought life. Proof of that comes from yet another false Mormon teacher Merrill Oaks, listed above. According to the inspired words of this man, the Church’s protection doesn’t come from God’s eternal word, rather, it comes from their evolving doctrine that can change at the whims of mankind.

1.These men have tried to strip the power of God and demean Him with their false teachings by blatantly stating God couldn’t operate without man’s participation.

2.If/when Mormons say that God had to wait for a group of believers to practice polygamy, explain the millions of other people in the world that were already practicing polygamy.

3.Have the people been able to receive the full revelations of God in 2015, and if not, why?

4.If God promised He’d not leave us comfortless, then why would God leave people in the dark if they don’t understand everything He’s tried to reveal thus far?

5.Will man ever know all that God has for us?

6.Jesus’ last words were ‘It is finished’ (John 19:30). If this isn’t true then why would Jesus lie to us?

7.If Mormon revelation is perfect then why does it need to change?

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