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Were Those Plates of Brass, or Gold?

“When we become advocates of a creed, something dies; we do not believe God, we only believe our belief about God.” – Oswald Chambers, April 29th

1 Nephi 5:18-19; “That these plates of brass should go forth unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people who were of his seed. 19 Wherefore, he said that these plates of brass should never perish; neither should they be dimmed any more by time…”

Mosiah 8:9; “And for a testimony that the things that they had said are true they have brought twenty-four plates which are filled with engravings, and they are of pure gold.”

Matthew 14:29 “And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.”

As of late, my heart has been heavy for the Mormon people. We’re seeing more of their dogged determination revealed, along with their unrelenting loyalty to Joseph Smith, and his Book of Mormon. It seems something has changed in the past several months with the mindset, and have noticed a stauncher resolve in their decision making process.

On the flip side, we’ve been blessed by seeing a record number of Mormons coming to know the Lord in those months! The lines of loyalty are becoming more clear with the passage of time, which is why the words of Oswald Chambers keeps going through my mind, as does the scenario in Matthew.

As you’re already aware, the Book of Mormon is laden with one dilemma after another. Today’s reference was a scenario that confused me relentlessly as a Mormon. I could never figure out if they were plates of gold, or brass. Come to find out, I wasn’t the only person who thought this, and I wasn’t the cause of my confusion – that fell squarely on the shoulders of Joe Smith!

We’re asking the Lord to remove the confusion that wraps itself around the mind of Mormons like a heavy wool coat! We know He’ll do this and  each of us that has left the Church stands as a testament to His intervention.

Our questions for today –

On whom, or what, have you placed your loyalty?

Is it the Book of Mormon with all the contradictions you have to keep making excuses for?

In all Christian humility, have you ever read the verse in Matthew and replaced Peter’s name with your own?

What is the risk if you were ‘to go to Jesus’, as it says in Matthew? What is the gain?

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