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Is Enoch the Archangel Raphael?

 Mormon Doctrine, p. 438*; “Raphael … an angelic ministrant, a personage who held keys of power during his mortal ministry, returned to earth…and conferred the keys of his dispensation upon Joseph Smith. (D. & C. 128:21.) The Bible contains no mention of Raphael…As to Raphael’s mortal identity we can only speculate. … An inference thus arises that Raphael may be Enoch or some other great prophet from his dispensation.

If this assumption is correct, then the keys restored by Raphael would be those enjoyed by the saints in Enoch’s day including, perhaps, the power whereby men may be translated.” – Bruce R. McConkie

2 Timothy 3:13-14; “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them”.

It seems there’s always ‘one more thing’ about Mormonism. Around every corner, or on the next page, one will learn of another obscure, unbiblical teaching/doctrine waiting in the wings that’s turned into a false prophecy.

It’s odd the Church is short on details about the archangel Raphael, but somehow he’s made an appearance in LDS canon. Technically, this would have to be considered doctrine because it’s in the ‘standard works’. If/when a Mormon tells you this isn’t a doctrinal point, you can show them how it is because of its location.

It’s unbiblical because of what Jesus has taught us in Luke 16:19-31. Dead people can’t visit surviving loved ones.

It’s a false prophecy because a person living in one ‘dispensation’ has no authority of handing over any keys to someone in another dispensation.

*In a standard book form of Mormon Doctrine, you can find this reference on p. 618.

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