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Tip of the Day March 13

 March 13 – Malachi 4:6; “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, And the heart of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”


Today we see another example of how Joe Smith plagiarized the Bible (which he stated was translated incorrectly), and used this small passage of prophetical scripture to prophesy falsely in the name of God.

Ask the Mormon for their opinion on this subject and explain how Malachi’s prophecy was fulfilled in Matthew 17:11. Be sure to share the next two verses though, because it explains how John the Baptist was the one who came to restore. John the Baptist was to proclaim the great and dreadful day of the Lord, explain how the Messiah had come, and how judgment was at their door. This has nothing to do at all with practicing necromancy in the Mormon temples!

Matthew 17:11-13.


The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn”; “My beloved young brothers and sisters, family history is not simply an interesting program or activity sponsored by the Church; rather, it is a vital part of the work of salvation and exaltation. You have been prepared for this day and to build up the kingdom of God. You are here upon the earth now to assist in this glorious work.” — David A. Bednar

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