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The Bible Saves

May 26 – The Bible Saves. Colossians 3:16; “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”


Why would a Christian declare we don’t need the Bible? How would we know we needed salvation if the Bible didn’t tell us? I’ve known Christian missionaries who work in tribal areas where Bibles aren’t used, however, they use other tools (i.e. books) that are taken from the Bible. I’ve never met a Christian missionary, or otherwise, who would say they don’t need the works of dead men to know God. This is a total disrespect for the Lord. May He have mercy on their souls.

Ask the Mormon you know how Joseph Smith heard about God. Also ask them what they think of their inspired apostle’s message of not needing to hear about the people in the Bible. Remember beloved, this isn’t an inquisition! Express your concern over teachings like this one that are produced by the LDS Church.

When the Mormon senses you actually care for them about these things, they’re more willing to listen and engage in a conversation with you.


TEACHING SEMINARY PRESERVICE READINGS RELIGION 370, 471, AND 475; “THE BIBLE, A SEALED BOOK: We could be saved without the Bible, but we cannot be saved without latter-day revelation. Ours is a restored kingdom. The doctrines, laws, ordinances, and powers were all restored. God and angels gave them anew. We believe what we believe, and have the truths we possess, and exercise the keys and powers in us vested, because they have come by the opening of the heavens in our day. We do not look back to a dead day or a past people for salvation.” – Bruce R. McConkie

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