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Anti-Mormon? How Mormons View the Body of Christ

Christianity and MormonismThe typical active member of the LDS Church regards any literature, movie, music or picture as anti-Mormon if it disagrees or opposes their belief system in any way.

In addition to all that it’s important to keep in mind that anti-Mormon isn’t limited to animated or non-animated things; people can be anti-Mormon as well.  Under those guidelines it’s obvious that according to the LDS Church and its members, this ministry is considered to be anti-Mormon.  Therefore, I’m an anti-Mormon, and anyone who questions the Church is anti-Mormon.

Of course the problem with this labeling system they’ve chosen to employ I pray would be obvious to any non-Mormon.

We’re not anti-Mormon, but we are anti-Mormonism!  I don’t know of one single Mormon that I hate or hold any animosity towards. And yes, being a 6th generation ex-Mormon from Utah I personally know my fair share of Mormon people.  I do protest against LDS doctrines, but the Mormon has a difficult time separating him or herself from believing they are the doctrines of the Church, thus their belief that we’re anti-Mormon.

We’ve written a few articles on this you can access here. They give great insight as to how members of the Church think of outsiders and will give you valuable info on how to approach and witness your Mormon neighbors!

Anti-Mormon vs. Anti-Mormonism

Anti-Mormonism in Mormon Terminology

Apostates, Legacies & the Salt Sermon

Apostates Thirst for Joe Smith’s Blood

Are Mormons Christians?

History of the Church of Jesus Christ (Christianity)

How Mormonism Attacks Christianity

If Christians are anti-Mormons, are Mormons anti-Christians?

Intolerance of Others

Is Mormonism Really Just Another Christian Religion?

Jesus’ Promises Kept

2014 LDS Website Asks “Are Mormons Christian?”

Leaving Mormonism

Mormon Converts & Why They Left Christianity

Mormon Reformation Movement

A group of Mormons post a 95 Point LDS Thesis on every door of LDS ward buildings in Utah on October 31, 2013.  Their objective is to shine light on the secrets of Mormonism and to call the leaders of the Church to come clean about everything concerning the Church.

Mormonism & Christianity

Is Satan the head of Christianity as the Mormons claim?

Mormons Leaving in Droves

Never Listen to Outsiders

Joseph Fielding McConkie, Professor of Ancient Scripture, BYU, announced to members they should never allow anti-Mormon outsiders tell them what they believe even if the info is true.

Paid Ministry or Lay Ministry?

Does the Mormon Church really have a non-paid ministry church? Why do Mormons not like that Christians pay their leaders?

Peace & Violence Among 19th Century Saints

A look at the behavior of 19th century Saints and questions why they were so violent

Pick Up Your Cross

Self-Appointed Spokesmen Scoff at Mormonism

Boyd Packer said nothing about Mormonism is hidden, and the ‘self-appointed spokesmen’ of so-called Christianity spend their time scoffing at Mormons anyway.

Is this true?

The Mormon’s View of Christians

Dozens of quotes made by Mormon leaders about their intolerance of Christians

True Christianity?

Our experience of being harassed by an angry Mormon.

Unequally Yoked

Biblical reasons why Christians should not unite with Mormons

US Government & Mormonism

A look at the Church’s repetitive rebellion against US authority

Why Do Mormons Want to be Christians?

Why Mormons Should Read Anti-Mormon Material

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