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Investigating, Converting to and Leaving Mormonism

Bible History & LDS 00Investigating Mormonism

 This page is here to provide thorough information on what you need to know if you’re thinking about joining Mormonism and for those who want info on how to get out.

There are myriads of things to think about whatever stage you’re at with the Mormon Church, but the one sure thing that should be taken into consideration is for you to evaluate what you’re going to do.

Are you thinking about joining the LDS Church? If so, you owe it to yourself and those in your life to know the truth about Mormonism.

The Church draws a lot of people in because of what it looks like on the outside, however, Jesus chastised the scribes and Pharisees for their double life when He compared them to whited sepulchers in Matthew 23:27;

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”

Likewise, the LDS Church presents itself as the ideal Christian organization.  But is it?  They’re not Catholic, nor are they Protestant, so where do they fit in with other Christians? Historically speaking, the Church has emphatically denounced Christianity, yet in recent years they’ve gone to great lengths to try and include themselves as such.

We strongly encourage you to do some serious homework before signing on the dotted line as they say and become ensnared in the hidden secret doctrines of Mormonism. Look into their history to find out how they’ve operated and if they’ve lived up to your expectations. Here are a few items to consider when you look at their history.

Investigating Mormonism

Why Mormons Leave & Why They Stay

Mormon Lifestyles

Side by Side Comparisons of Mormon teachings & the Bible

Ten Questions about the Great Apostasy

All About Joseph Smith

Christian God v. Mormon god

There are several items to choose from here.  Joseph Smith’s history, his prophecies, his involvement in witchcraft and polygamy and even the family he grew up in.

It’d be great if you see this warning and run as fast as you can the other way, alas, this isn’t a healthy reaction to our warning either.  Check out other trusted information portals such as Saints Alive Ministries, Blue Letter Bible and Got Questions Ministry, to name a few.

Read what the Church has to say about themselves on their own website and most definitely look at the Gospel Topics section of the LDS website which is an encyclopedic work on their basic beliefs for many topics such as salvation, the nature of Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. You’ll find this in the link provided here or you can see it on their front page under the section “Teachings”.  

Request from the missionaries you’ve been meeting with that you’d like to have your own “Quad” or “3-in-1”. This is their set of sacred canon. The meat of Mormonism isn’t taught in the Book of Mormon so when missionaries tell you they use it all the time you should interpret that to mean it is referenced in the many speeches and lessons Mormons are taught, but it doesn’t contain core doctrines of Mormonism.  Mormonism is about their founder Joseph Smith, not Jesus Christ.

A quad consists of four books, thus the name “Quad”. These include:

The Book of Mormon

Doctrine and Covenants (prophecies of Joseph Smith and later church leaders)

The Pearl of Great Price – a set of books consisting of the Book of Moses, the Book of Abraham, the Thirteen Articles of Faith, and Joseph Smith’s History and some or all parts of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible.

The 4th book to complete the Quad is the KJV – King James Version of the Bible.

If they’re unwilling or seem hesitant to give you this you can obviously find them online in the links embedded above.

Compare all the data you’ve collected with the Bible which is the final authority above all things or organizations.  The Bible is unapologetic and as God has always done, stands alone in truth and light. 

When you collect your data use an independent resource for your Bible outside of the LDS Church. While they have and use the KJV, we suggest you use one that hasn’t been altered by the LDS Church’s publications with their footnotes or rewrites.

One thing is probably certain in your life. If you’re thinking about joining Mormonism you probably want a relationship with Jesus.

May I suggest that you ask Him right here?  While you’re reading this just stop and ask Him into your heart.  Tell Him you want His presence in your life and you want salvation so you can live eternally with Him.  Confess your sins (it’s okay, we’re all guilty!) and ask Him to be the Lord of your life.  He’ll respond – guaranteed! You can use the Romans Road which is a set of scriptures from the Bible to understand why  you need a Redeemer and how to get saved.

Mormonism looks great on the outside.  Clean-cut missionaries, no drugs, no smoking, no alcohol, large families, they have an answer for everything and you don’t have to worry about your schedule during the week because they’ll fill that for you as well.  Their prophets speak for God who tells you exactly what you need to do in any given situation.

The problem with all this is that God has already provided all this for us in His word.

Here’s a list of the basic fundamental beliefs of Mormonism.  Read through each, compare their teachings with the Bible and ask the missionaries if these things are true. Foundation of Mormonism

If you’d like to talk with someone here, give us a call! 1.800.362.2751 

Unequally Yoked

This gives you a list of things you’ll have to get rid of as a person if you join Mormonism such as piercings, shorts, sleeveless blouses if you’re female, your diet will change, etc.

Converting to Mormonism

A must read! Written by Melissa Grimes who converted to Mormonism in her mid-twenties after being raised in a “Christian” home and realizing she hadn’t joined another Christian church at all.

Her story recalls what it was like converting to a religion when in fact she thought she was converting to Christianity.

Study, Research & Investigate!

How to investigate Mormonism for yourself based on what the Bible says.  Highly recommended!

Why Mormons Leave & Why They Stay

A great survey taken by those in-the-know published a survey on why Mormons leave and why they choose to stay even though they know it’s wrong.

Testing for Truth

These are a set of simple guidelines of how to test an organization, pastor or prophet when they tell you they hold the truth.  Fantastic resource if/when you’re not sure how to begin!

Leaving Mormonism

Making Your Exodus

I receive countless requests from people asking why I left the Church so I’ve posted my list of reasons on this page as well as the information you’ll need to officially resign and have the Church remove your name from the roles.

After Mormonism

Now what you say?  Well, plenty!  When people leave Mormonism it can feel like you’re a fish out of water, but don’t despair!  The Lord will guide your steps in all you do – if you let Him!

Whatever stage you’re in with Mormonism, know that we’re praying for you and if you’d like to pray now or if you have any questions, give us a call!

With Love in Christ;

Michelle Grim

1 Cor 1:18

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