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Joseph Smith’s Wives Pt. 2

Joseph Smith’s Wives Part 2

Here’s part 2!  I could not figure out a way to post this as one whole document.  Sorry!  If you know how I can do this on WordPress with the whole document showing properly, could you e-mail me @   please?  Thanks!

1. In Sacred Loneliness, pg. 5-8



4. Nauvoo Roots of Mormon Polygamy, 1841-46: A Preliminary Demographic Report, George D. Smith









13. No Man Knows My History, Fawn Brodie, pgs. 458-488.





Eloped w/ Smith against Emma’s father’s wishes.


 “Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before meFor there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none.

 Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else.

Hired help living w/ Smith’s.  Kicked out by Emma when pregnancy couldn’t be hidden any longer.

Later sep. from Smith & married Solomon Custer, non LDS.  JS excommunicated Oliver Cowdery for accusing Smith of adultery w/ Fanny Alger – HC 3:16, Wednesday, April 11, 1838, Farr West Council (Brodie, pg. 180-181).

Fanny was orphaned, Levi Hancock’s niece – Mormon Enigma, pg. 319. [1,3,5,7,8,13]

Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside.


 “That we will have no fellowship whatever with any Elder belonging to the quorums of the Seventies who is guilty of polygamy

“Married by proxy to JS, later divorced Harris” (ISL, pg. 5).  Widow of the famous ex-Mason Captain Wm. Morgan who mysteriously disappeared after revealing secrets of the Lodge in 1826.  Married Harris in 1834.  JS had Morgan baptized by proxy in 1841. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13]

JS excommunicated Oliver Cowdery for accusing Smith of adultery w/ Fanny Alger – HC 3:16 – Wednesday, Farr West Council.


“– Seventh—”Do the Mormons believe in having more wives than one?” No, not at the same time.

Hannah married Dibble 2/1841 and probably Smith as well.  She was sealed to Dibble for eternity 1/15/1846. Reports say she gave birth to a son (Loren Dibble) fathered by Smith on May 29, 1844. Moved to Utah w/ the Williams Freight Train Company 1851. Died in 1893 @ 85 yrs old. [1,14,15]

Hid marriage from Emma in 1841 (Enigma, 95).  Later married Brigham Young 1846 or Sept. 18, 1844.  Met Smith while living w/ her sister & brother-in-law Joseph Bates Noble.  She had 5 children w/ Young, of which 4 boys (2 sets of twins) died after birth.(ISL, pg. 5).  Was sister of Erastus Snow’s wife, Artemissia.  Other sister Mary Adeline married Joseph Bates Noble. [1,3,,4,5,7,13]

Daughter of Wm. Huntington & Zina Baker and sister of Prescendia. Married to LDS Henry Bailey Jacobs 3/7/1841– 7 mos. pregnant w/ Jacobs child when she married Smith. (husband was on mission to England) Pregnant w/ 2nd child when she married Young 2/2/1846.  While on the way to Utah, Young told Jacobs to leave and go back – Zina used to belong to Smith but now she belonged to Young.  Jacobs left. Died in 1901 @ 80 yrs. old.  [1,3,4,5,7,8,13,15]

Daughter of Wm. Huntington & Zina Baker.  Sister of Zina. Married Buell 1/6/1828. Wasn’t sure if her son Oliver was Buell’s or Smith’s. Married Heber Kimball in 1844 while living w/ 1st husband.  Norman finally left the church. Died 1892 @ 82 yrs. old. [1,3,4,57,8,13,15]

Widow of Smith’s brother, Don Carlos.  .  Married George Albert Smith 1/28/46. Married Wm. Pickett in 1847, but later separated. Died in 1875 @ age 64. [1,3,4,5,7,13]

At the age of 12 in 1831, Smith told her God told him to take her as a wife – angel w/ a flaming sword… Became wife #24 for Young in 1845.  Stayed w/ husband Adam through both Smith & Young marriages until Lightner died in 1885.  Smith prophesied they’d see disaster if they ever left the Church. Her husband never joined the Church.  They had

10 kids. Moved to Utah w/ Patterson Company 1863. Died in 1913 @ 95 yrs. old.[1,3,4,5,7,13,15]

David Sessions is her father. One month later on March 9, 1842, Session’s wife Patty also married Smith.

Married Lyon in 1838, he died in 1849.  Married Heber C. Kimball 1/26/1846.  Married Ezekiel Clark 1850. While on her deathbed she told her daughter Josephine that Smith was her father. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13]

Brigham told her that if she wished for a higher station in heaven no bill of divorce was necessary; all was right in the sight of God.  

Mother of Perrigrine Sessions (who had 7 wives), founder of Bountiful, UT. 

Midwife, delivered thousands of babies until the age of 85.  Married Smith 1 mo. after her daughter did and while still married to David Sessions whom she married in 1812 – he died in 1850.  Married John Parry in 1851. Moved to Utah w/ Spencer/Perrigrine Sessions Company in 1847. Died in 1892 @ age 97. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13,15]  As the link to the newspaper clipping says, the stories linked to Marinda are as varied as it gets.  Some sources say she was not married to Smith while others are emphatic in their claims she was. 

What we do know is that she was married to Orson Hyde.  We also know the Smith’s were living at Marinda’s parent’s home when she was a young girl.  Some say Smith’s tar and feathering punishment in 1832 was retaliation led by her brother for inappropriate contact with his little sister. 

She married Orson on 9/4/1834; they were divorced in 1870.  Hyde left the church but came back in 1839 w/ reports that Smith put conditions on his return.  He had to turn over all his money – and his wife. (Van Wagoner, pg. 294.)

Orson was on a mission in Palestine @ time of Joseph & Marinda’s wedding.  Two of her ten children are thought to be Joseph’s kids – Orson Washington & Frank Henry.  Her brothers Luke & Lyman were excommunicated 4/1838. Moved to Utah w/ Miller Company in 1852. Died in 1886 @ age 71. [1,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,15]

The only evidence that Sarah Bapson existed are the times her name is listed in various lists of Smith’s wives.  We’ve listed some of the references here.  There is no definitive family information for her parents, place of birth, and exact date of her birth or her death.  The sources cited are reliable, but ultimately the decision is left to the reader as to whether or not she should be included.  [1,4,5,7,13]

Irish immigrant. Widow of James Mulholland who was JS scribe for HC vol.1 and died 1 yr after marrying Sarah.  Married Smith in 1842 & then Alexander Mullander in 1844. Married Heber Kimball for time in 1846. She had no children. [2,3,4,5,8,13]

Married Heber C. Kimball Feb. 3, 1846 (proxy).  [1,3,4,5,8,13]

Marriage Gilbert Goldsmith 4/13/1811 – had 2 sons w/ him – son Isaac & husband died that year.  Marriage to Joseph Blanchett Grackenbury in 1819 – had 6 sons w/ him, 1 son died.  Joseph Grackenbury was poisoned & died in 1832 while on missions trip w/ LDS Church.  Married Jabez 3/3/1834. Stayed w/ Jabez, but after Smith’s death sep. from Durfee.  Proxy marriage to JS by Cornelius Lott on 1/22/1846, but later sep. from Lott as well. Moved west w/ Brigham’s group but left husband & Utah to join RLDS. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13]

Married Daniel D. McArthur.  Married Samuel L. Gully, 1/29/1847.  Married Elijah Knapp Fuller, 9/8/1850. Died in 1908.  [1,3,4,5,7,8,9,13,15]

Sarah died in 1856.  Married John Howe in 1807 – he died in 1825.  Married John Cleveland 3/16/1826. Married John Smith for time in 1856. Stayed with husband through marriage to John Smith. [1,3,4,5,6,7,8,13]


Married Lyman Sherman 1/16/1829 – he died in 1839.  Married Smith in 1842.  Married Almon Babbit for time 1/24/1846.  Delcena died in 1856. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13]

Married B.  Young for time 6/29/1849.  Sister of Lorenzo Snow.  Signed petition in 1842 denying Smith was a polygamist.  Secretary of Relief Society in 10/1842 denouncing polygamy.  Married to Young until his death in 1877. Moved to Utah w/ Grant-Noble Company in 1847. Died in 1887 @ 82 yrs old.  [1,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,15]

Daughter of Newel & Elizabeth Whitney. Married Joseph Smith then Joseph Kingsbury.  Was married when she was married to Heber C. Kimball for time. Moved to Utah in 1848 w/ Kimball Co. Died in 1873 @ age 48. [1,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,15]

 But, for the information of those who might be assailed by those foolish tales about two wives, we would say that no such principle ever existed among the Latter-Day Saints, and ever will.

Married Vinson Knight – he died 7/31/1842 in the Haun’s Mill episode – they had 7 kids. Her oldest daughter Almira was approached by Smith to marry his brother Hyrum after death of Vinson.  She refused and subsequently left the Church. Martha was founding member of the Relief Society. Later sealed to Heber C. Kimball – they had 1 child. Moved to Utah in 1850 w/ Foote Co. Died in 1901 @ age 96. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13,15] pg. 15

The website of Mormon History is the only place that lists this person as a wife of Joseph Smith.  They also list Martha McBride as well – this person may indeed have married Smith, but we haven’t found any other info on her to date. [8]

We are charged with advocating a plurality of wives, and common property. Now this is as false as the many other ridiculous charges which are brought against us…Inasmuch as this church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication, and polygamy: we declare that we believe, that one man should have one wife; and one woman.

Stayed w/ first husband John – they were part of the Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel with the Babbitt Company of 1851.  Mary died in 1852 @ the age of 48. [1,15]

Married Sayers in 1841 & stayed w/ Sayers until his death in 1861. Moved to Utah in 187 w/ Hanks Mail Express. Died in 1884 @ age 76. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13,15]

Married Carlos Gove who was non-LDS.  She died in 1850 in Winters Quarters at the age of 24. [1,3,4,57,8,13]

Daughter of Edward Partridge & sister of Eliza Partridge.  Married B. Young for time Sept. 1844.  When Edward died in 1840 Emily & sister Eliza moved into the Smith’s home.  They were both taught the principal of polygamy and both married Smith.  She had 7 children, 2 of which died in childhood. Moved to Utah in 1848. Died in 1899 @ age 75. [1,3,4,5,7,8,10,13,15]

Daughter of Edward Partridge & sister of Emily.  Married Amasa Lyman in 1846, but later divorced.  Had 5 children. Moved to Utah in 1848 w/ Richards Co. Died in 1886 @ age 66. [1,3,4,5,7,8,11,13,15]

Married Reuben Barton who was a widower of a few months.  She was the sister of Joseph’s friend, Benjamin Franklin Johnson.  Was told by Hyrum that an angel with a drawn sword appeared to Joseph & told him that if he didn’t marry Almera he would have to die. Moved to Utah in 1861 w/ Johnson Co. Died in 1896 @ age 84. [1,3,4,5,7,8,12,13,15]

Mormon History website lists Margaret as wife #42.  Her sister Ruth married William Clayton in 1836.  Her marriage date to Smith & William list the same date. She had 6 kids w/ Wm.  He had 10 wives & 42 kids in all. She moved to Utah in 1848 w/ Kimball Co. Died in 1879 @ age 50. [8,15,16]

Was approached by Smith in 1842 when he told her the principle of polygamy.  Smith told her that if she participated it would be a blessing to her father’s family.  Also told her that her mother would receive her into her bosom.  Lucy’s mother had just died earlier that year, she was still grieving. Emma was away in St. Louis buying supplies @ time of marriage & did not condone this marriage.  Lucy had been taken in by the Smith’s to help her out. Married Heber C. Kimball for time 2/8/1845. Moved to Utah w/ Kimball Co. in 1848. Died in 1910 @ age 84. [1, 3, 4, 5, 7,8,13,15]

Sister of Maria Lawrence. Married Heber C. Kimball for time 10/12/1844 but divorced later & married Joseph Mount.  Sarah & Maria’s parents had died so the Smith’s took them both in just as they did for the Partridge girls, Louisa Beaman, Fanny Alger and Lucy Walker. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13]

Married B. Young (16th wife) for time in 1845, and later divorced; some reports say they remarried in1846. Married Almon Babbit in 1846, they had 1 child. Maria died in 1847.  She once told her sister if Mormonism were true her “yoke would have been easy and her burden light”. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13]

Only daughter of Heber C & Vilate Kimball’s 9 kids – 2 other daughters died. Her parents joined when she was 3 yrs old.  Compton reports her marriage to Smith as “dynastic”.  Marriage to Smith guaranteed her salvation and salvation for her family as well.  At age 16 she married Horace Kimball Whitney (who became an apostle) for time 2/4/1846.  Moved to Utah in 1848 w/ Kimball Co. She & Horace had 11 kids (Brodie, pg.479). Died in 1896 @ age 68. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13,15]

English immigrant.  Hannah died in 1844 or 1845 in Nauvoo.  Seamstress. [1,3,4,5,8,13]

Elvira had been a maid & nanny in the Smith home.  Stayed with husband during marriage to Smith.  Became treasurer of Relief Society.  Married Holmes 1/1844 and stayed w/ him & Smith.  Her father Austin was at one time a counselor for Nauvoo Stake Presidency, but joined Wm. Law’s dissenting group later. Moved to Utah in 1847 w/ Grant/Noble Co.  She had 5 kids and died in 1871. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13,15]

For behold, I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory. 6 And as pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant, it was instituted for the fulness of my glory; and he that receiveth a fulness thereof must and shall abide the law, or he shall be damned, saith the Lord God.

Sister of apostle Willard Richards.  Marriage to Smith was to further build the intertwining of several families together.  Married B. Young (her 1st cousin) for time.  Her mother and Young’s mother were sisters.  Rhoda spent her entire life being sick.  Measles, mumps, cancer, fevers, colds, etc.  Moved to Utah in 1848 w/ Richards Co. She died in 1879; she was 96. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13,15]

Baptized in 1836 in Ohio. Eventually moved to Nauvoo and into the Smith home w/ the Partridge sister & other  young women before marrying Smith.  Had a dream of Emma poisoning her & Joseph agreed that Emma would do it.  Married Ezra T. Benson 1846 for time – later divorced.  David Fullmer (brother to Desdemona) was a counselor in the GA.  Married Harrison Parker McLane in 1853 and had her only child w/ him.  Moved to Utah in 1848 w/ Richards Co. Died in 1886 @ age of 76. [1,3,4,5,8,13,15]

Sister Mary Ann married Parley Pratt. Olive traveled to England w/ Pratt family for missions. One of the 2 first female missionaries for the Church. Married B. Young 11/1844 for time (18th wife) and died from ague 9/1845. (Ague is malaria.) [1,3,4,5,


Mormon History lists Catherine as wife #45 for Smith. [8]

Father Cornelius was Smith’s bodyguard (Danite).  Marriage to Smith was “dynastic” (Compton).  She lived w/ Smith family as hired help w/ other young girls. She was Smith’s wife in “very deed” according to Melissa. Married Dr. Bernhisel for time 2/1846.  Married Ira Willes 5/1849 for time.  She had 7 kids.  Moved to Utah in 1848 w/ Kimball Co. Died in 1898 @ 74 yrs of age. [1,3,4,5,8,13]

Daughter of Stephen Winchester Sr., a Danite & Quorum of the Seventy. Married Heber C. Kimball 10/1846 for time – later divorced, no kids.  Married Amos Arnold 10/1865. Moved to Utah in 1849 w/ Egan Co. Gave birth to 1st child @ age 39 – a son.  She died in 1876 @ age 47. [1,3,4,5,7,8,13,15]

Sister of B. Young. She named and helped raise Helen Mar Kimball. Married Robert Carr 1/1803, divorced. Married Roswell Murray 2/1832, widowed. Married Smith 1843.  Moved to Utah in 1850 w/ Hunter Co.Died in June 1859 @ 71 after battling cancer. [1,3,4,5,8,13]

 “THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1844. NOTICE. As we have lately been credibly informed, that an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter day Saints, by the name of Hiram Brown, has been preaching Polygamy, and other false and corrupt doctrines… he has been cut off from the church, for his iniquity…JOSEPH SMITH, HYRUM SMITH, Presidents of said Church.

Family search only lists Vienna as being married by proxy in 1858, but Nauvoo Polygamy Report says Smith & Jacques were married by 1844 & she went through the sealing ceremony in 1858. Traveled with the Rich Company to Utah in 1847. Died 2/1884.



Compton reports that she was sealed to JS after he died 1/15/1846. 

Family search reports the same thing as well as Olive marrying B. Young on the same day; she was wife #27 and bore him no children.

Nauvoo Polygamy Report concurs w/ Family Search but also says she married him before 1844. [1,3,4,5,8]

Sealed in 1844. Moved to Utah w/ Richards Co. in 1866. Died in 1866 @ age 65. [1,15]

There’s virtually no info on this woman other than her name mentioned on all these lists as the wife of Smith.  Brodie’s work contained the most info on pg. 487 saying; “later the wife of Elam Luddington.  Jane Tibbets was born on August 27, 1804 at Gorham, Maine.  According to the Nauvoo Temple Record, on January 17, 1846 she was sealed to Joseph Smith for “eternity” and to E. Luddington “for time”.” Moved to Utah in 1852 w/ Unidentified Co.  [1,4,5,8,13,15]

I * * * spoke to the people, showing them that to get salvation we must not only do some things, but everything which God has commanded. (Feb. 21, 1844.)

Married to Gad Yale for time and sealed to JS for eternity in 1846. [1,4,5,13,15] Husband Gad moved to Utah in 1848 w/ B. Young Co. Records show her & Gad as residents of San Pete, Utah in 1870.

Traveled with the B. Young company to Utah in 1848.  Died 1/1860 @ the age of 46. [13,15]

January 1846 Cordelia was sealed to JS for eternity and married to Cox for time in the Nauvoo temple.  She had 7 children with him – she was his 2nd wife. Went to Utah in 1852 w/ the Walker Company. Died in 1915, she was 93. [1,13,15]

Married for time to Cornelius and eternity to Smith on the same day. Lott moved to Utah in 1848 w/ Kimball Co. No register of Elizabeth. [13,15]

1/19/1846 sealed to JS for eternity & Woodworth for time. Moved to Utah w/ Lyman/Rich Co. in 1857. Died in 1887 @ age 87.  [1,4,13,15]

Parley P. Pratt – proxy. Went to Utah in 1852 w/ the Cutler Company.  Died in 1891 @ 83 yrs. [1,15]

Sealed to Smith by proxy Samuel Gully – married Gully in 1847. Married Elijah Knapp Fuller 9/1850.  Married Daniel D. McArthur (no date). [3]

Married to Warren Smith (#1) in 1826 – he died in 1838. Married Warren Smith (#2) in 1840 – he died in 1885. Moved to Utah w/ Warren Smith Co in 1850. Died in 1886 @ age 77. Sealed to Joseph Smith 1/19/1852.


Married Jedidiah Grant 11/29/1855. Rachel is mother of prophet Heber J. Grant. Traveled w/ the Anthony Ivins Company to Utah 1853. Died in 1909 @ 88 yrs old. Sealed to Smith 11/29/1855. [3,13,15]


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