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Racist Remarks by Brigham Young

Blacks are the Seed of Cain, Slaves

Journal of Discourses 2:184; “The seed of Ham, which is the seed of Cain descending through Ham, will, according to the curse put upon him, serve his brethren, and be a “servant of servants” to his fellow-creatures, until God removes the curse…The conduct of the whites towards the slaves will…send both slave and master to hell…The blacks should be used like servants, and not like brutes, but they must serve. It is their privilege to live so as to enjoy many of the blessings which attend obedience to the first principles of the Gospel…” – Brigham Young, Salt Lake City, February 18, 1855

Exodus 21:16; “And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.”

Here in the Bible we have proof that God has NEVER sanctioned slavery – EVER. The practice of this absolute evil is the work of Satan and mankind bought into the lies Satan fed to him. Those who sanctioned slavery either by participation or silence will be held accountable.

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