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Mormon Dilemma 455

The Changing god of Mormonism

 The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 438;“Now, my brothers sisters, as you read of troubles in so many parts of the world, remember that the Lord knew these problems would come, and that even with these problems he has foreseen the growth of this Church and its people.  Be of good cheer, for the Lord is guiding his Church.”

Hebrews 13:5; “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

It would be difficult at best to be cheerful following the god of Mormonism. Following that god entails a fair amount of trust in yourself to hold on and come up with a back-up plan in case things dramatically change as they’ve done in the past.

What do you suppose the early Mormons thought when it suddenly became illegal to have more than one wife? What were the inner thoughts and feelings of the children whose fathers were running from the law and hiding in the basements of their homes? Where is any comfort in such things? 

If this church really was from God wouldn’t He have made provision ahead of time for members of the Church to be prepared before judgment on polygamy fell in America? Families like mine when polygamy became illegal were suddenly on the wrong side of the law and certainly they’d never intended to be in such a compromising position before that time.

Where is God then? 

The Bible gives us strong pictures of what it meant to always be faithful when following God. From Noah to the disciples we see a consistency with how God operates even when men change their minds and the laws of the land. The one thing that remains constant is Him. 

When the Mormon god changes his mind to whom do you turn to for comfort?

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