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Quick Thought on Mormons and Belonging

  The other day I was surfing the web came across Deseret Book’s web site. It was there I found this child’s bookmark, as you can see in colorful letters it says: I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ.

At first glance this may seem harmless and not worth acknowledging, but we have to remember everything Mormons do and say has a specific meaning. When we realize this we’re able to take a second look and read between the lines to see what they’re really trying to say.

There are two things about this bookmark I wish to bring to your attention.

First is the part that says “the Church of Jesus Christ”. This is very deceptive, Mormons don’t normally use that phrase when they’re talking with each other. The only time I’ve heard them use it is when they’re talking to non-members, and is done in the hope of convincing the non-member that Mormonism is just like any other Christian church.

The Church of Jesus Christ is the body of Christ. Christians are part of this church, no matter our denomination we’re all part of His Church, His body. Mormons are not part of that body, and to hear them use this phrase should be like nails on a chalk board to the Christian ear. When we see or hear them playing this game we need to call them out on it, immediately.

The second thing that caught my eye is the use of the word “belong”. For me to say I belong to the Baptist Church doesn’t carry as much meaning for me as it does for a Mormon to say I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, meaning the Mormon Church.

A Christian would never go around saying, almost praising I belong to___________ Church. It’s just not in our culture, if anything we would go around praising that we belong to Jesus Christ. The word belong here in reference to a religion gives the implication that the church owns you, therefore it can control you. This isn’t too far from the truth in regards to Mormonism.

Mormon prophet Ezra Taft Benson said:

“Membership in the Lord’s Church is a gift and a blessing which the Lord has given us in mortality, and He expects us to share that blessing with those who do not have it.”

Membership in the Mormon Church is hardly a gift or blessing, if anything it’s a loss and a curse. What about sharing Jesus? He is a wonderful gift and blessing given to us all. It’s Jesus we should desire to share and belong to.

It makes me sad to see how children are indoctrinated in this church. They’re taught from a young age to think that nothing else matters but their membership in this church. Desiring to belong to Jesus isn’t something they teach the children. Instead they’re taught to boast in belonging to a religion, than belonging to Jesus Christ.

As always I pray for the Mormon people to wake up to what they’re doing, to what they’re teaching their children. Jesus is so much better for you and your family than membership in the Mormon Church.

In Christ,

Melissa Grimes

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