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Mormon E-mails December 2013

We’re off to a busy start in December with the Christmas season upon us and there seems to be a rise in the amount of e-mails we’re receiving as well.  I’ve included a few of those here so please pray the ones I’ve listed and pray for the private notes we receive from Mormons who don’t want their correspondence shared publicly.

I’ve been receiving many letters from people who’ve begun questioning the Church and each person is at that crossroads in life that makes everything a game changer.  The majority of these dear people are involved with large families, the Relief Society or Bishopric and see no way out.

While their situation may seem insurmountable God will provide a way for each individual situation. He’s intimately aware of their unique circumstances and loves them beyond their imagination!

One girl just broke up with a Mormon boyfriend who had converted her to Mormonism.

One gentleman is counseling a young Mormon couple that approached him for marriage counseling. They’re getting ready to be married in the temple – the counselor is a Christian (PTL!).

Four LDS women who don’t know each other have e-mailed me this past week and each has been reading articles on our sites.  I’m not at liberty to divulge further info but please pray for their lives and the lives of those who know them.

One gentleman is a bishop and wants out.  Please pray for discernment on his part, the resources he’ll need for the immediate future and for the Lord to protect him.

I also listed a nice letter!  Yay!  Receiving encouraging letters is always so nice to see as they’re much like those of you who visit us daily to like an article.  It’s encouraging to us knowing that people are learning about Mormonism and our prayer is that you’ll share the info with the next Mormon you see or warn others about it!

Again, thanks to everyone for praying for us and those who contact us.  God bless you!

With Love in Christ;


1 Cor 1:18



November 29, 2013 at 9:49 pm

Your comment about mormon church is complet wrong.
If you used to be mormon and now you are not:
(1)- What you are now?
(2)- Please exmine yourself? how much cleaness you lost.
When you was mormon , you was so clean and trustworth.
because , you used to have a right faith of something.
and you was clean from many evils that mormon church
doctrine prohibited to do. Now, the question is:
What keep you doing from bad thing.
I am from Ethiopia, and when landed in American soil, I have not yet sow any
people who behave as people of faith except those you call Mormons.
Hey, American who are shirking in number, if you want to be saved , go to Mormon church.

Our Response

Daniel –

Thanks for writing in to us at Life After. We want you to know that we’re praying for you.

I want to be sure I answer all your concerns/questions so let’s start with your statement that what we’ve said about the Mormon Church is wrong.

Specifically Daniel what information have we provided that is incorrect? I don’t want to post incorrect information as that isn’t Christlike behavior so if I’m wrong I need to know.

You said;

1-what are you now?

I’m a Christian.

You said;

2 – Please examine yourself? how much cleaness you lost.
When you was mormon , you was so clean and trustworth.
because , you used to have a right faith of something.
and you was clean from many evils that mormon church
doctrine prohibited to do. Now, the question is:
What keep you doing from bad thing.

I’m not sure what you meant in your question. If you’re asking what kept me from doing bad things as a Mormon I would say that knowing right from wrong is a basic thing taught to most humans no matter what religion you belong to or even for those who don’t belong to any religion. But being a good person or a nice person isn’t what gets you into heaven.

Being in a covenant relationship with Jesus is what gains your salvation! He said He is the way, the truth and the life – John 14:6. God said there is no other god besides Him in Isaiah 43:10-11 but the Mormon Church teaches they can become gods so this obviously contradicts all of Mormonism. Ephesians 2:8-9 says we’re saved by grace through faith and not of our own works. Mormonism teaches men are saved by grace after all you can do. 2 Nephi 25:23. Again, this is completely the opposite of the Bible.

The Bible tells us no other name is given under heaven whereby we’re saved – Acts 4:12. Mormonism teaches that if you’re not part of their church you can’t go to heaven. This is completely against what the Bible says!

You said you’re from Ethiopia and since you’ve been here in America that Mormons are the only people you’ve met that act as a people with faith. May I ask where you live now? If it’s in Utah have you had the opportunity to visit the Christian churches there?

Daniel since you’re Ethiopian I have a question for you. And I mean this with all due respect and sincerity. What do you know about the history of the Mormon Church? Are you aware of their racist teachings and their past? Did you know that in the Book of Mormon it talks of the Lamanites who aren’t white people as being dark and loathsome?

Have you read in the Book of Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price they believe that black people are cursed of God?

This is one of the main reasons I left Mormonism. I’m not completely “white and delightsome”. One of my grandmothers was black and I was taught that anyone who isn’t completely white didn’t side with Jesus in the preexistence. Have you studied about this yet? Has the bishop or the missionary told you about the true teachings of the Church?

Daniel I’m deeply concerned for all Mormons no matter their color, but I’m concerned for people of color who join Mormonism and don’t know about the true teachings of the Church.

Especially the dear people throughout Africa. Why would God punish anyone just for being a certain color? The God of the Bible would never do such a thing! He created all men and women in His image – Genesis 1:26. Does God hate himself? If not then why wouldn’t He be pleased with His creation because of their color when they’re made in His image?

Know that we’re praying for you Daniel and hope to hear from you soon!

With Love in Christ;
Michelle Grim
1 Cor 1:18


From: bobby
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2013 9:35 PM

think you for your ministry you may not know It but you are changing lives and bringing people to the lord. We as Christians has a responsibility to our lds brotherin to share Christ but it is out of love that we do what we do being an ex Mormon I can see how unloving Christians can be but it is that kind of hard love that is going to make Mormons open the bible and read the truth. Good luck to your ministry and GOD bless

Our Response

Dear Bobby –

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement for us!  Being an ex-Mormon yourself I’m sure you can appreciate the amount of spiritual warfare that goes on so receiving a nice thank you such as this is very uplifting!  If you have any prayer requests send them our way so we can pray for you!

With Love in Christ;

Michelle Grim

1 Cor 1:18



As this is a comment for ex mormons. This website reminds me of a story. And what this websites does….

8 Now the sons of Mosiah were numbered among the unbelievers; and also one of the sons of Alma was numbered among them, he being called Alma, after his father; nevertheless, he became a very wicked and an idolatrous man. And he was a man of many words, and did speak much flattery to the people; therefore he led many of the people to do after the manner of his iniquities.

9 And he became a great hinderment to the prosperity of the church of God; stealing away the hearts of the people; causing much dissension among the people; giving a chance for the enemy of God to exercise his power over them.

(Mosiah 27:8-9)

Our Response

Well, as an ex-Mormon I have to tell you that your quote from a book I don’t believe is the Word of God means nothing to me.

All of us at Life After Ministries desire to see Mormons saved. They’re shackled to a legalistic religion that tells them if they do their best Jesus will do the rest. Grace was never about works, it’s about freedom from works. If we could do one thing to help our salvation along Jesus didn’t have to come.

We’re praying for you Eric. We want you to know the joy that can only come through a relationship with the real Jesus Christ. – Melissa Grimes

From Eric again

I am glad that you are teaching people to bash other people apart. I know that is not what Jesus wants. Love one another as He has loved you. This website does not show His love as I just quoted. You know the Bible, then you know were to find it.

Our Response

Eric –

Where have we “bashed people apart”?

I remember as a Mormon how angry I would be whenever an outsider asked me questions or disagreed with Joseph Smith. I always felt as if they were bashing me personally and didn’t take the time to truly investigate their claims.

If you believe we’re bashing people please be specific about which thing you’re referring to. We’re not here to do such a thing as it isn’t godly behavior, nor does it bring glory to God!

Know that we’re praying for you Eric and hope to hear from you soon.

With Love in Christ;
1 Cor 1:18

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