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Worst of the Worst Mormon Quotes 3

False prophecies A-Z!

Here’s the 3rd installment in our ongoing series, ‘Worst of the Worst’. To be sure, the true God of the Bible doesn’t rank one sin above another, for He said, ‘All sins shall be forgiven of men, except blasphemy against the Holy Ghost’. Mt. 12:31

With this in mind, we admit it’s difficult sometimes to ignore the blasphemies we read in Mormon theology, thus our list here. You can read the two previous installments in the first link below.

As always, we want to reiterate that we do not publish these things to bash, or inflame the Mormon people. Rather, we do this to educate everyone; LDS, and non-LDS.

Above all we pray the Mormon people will come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus and Him crucified!

With Love in Christ;


1 Cor 1:18

3,000+ Reasons to Leave Mormonism 

10th LDS Prophet’s Lies and Denial of Racist Teachings

Why did Joseph Fielding Smith deny he had taught racist doctrine?

100 Devils to Every Human

Mr. Pratt’s teaching isn’t in God’s word!

Adam Fell to Earth Life

The fall of Adam wasn’t just a spiritual one. Mormons understand this to mean he literally fell onto the earth.

Apostle Stapley’s Letter Protesting Civil Rights for Blacks

Worst of the Worst: Bible Not Big, Nor Good Enough For LDS

Book of Mormon Jesus Resurrected in 148 BC?!

Why don’t Mormons question that Mosiah spoke about Jesus being resurrected before He was even born?

Brigham Young’s Contradictions in Racist Teachings

Brigham Young declared all non-white people unworthy of salvation. At the same time he instructed members of the Church to intermarry with Native Americans ro help them take away their curse. 

Brigham Young: Past Earthly Inhabitants are Saviors for Unknown Kingdoms 

Church Handbook Reveals Shunning and Uncertain Chaos in Mormon Heaven

If you’re a child of divorce, there’s an absolute 0% chance you’ll be living in a happy forever family. Compounding the problem further is if anyone in your family sympathizes with a group the Church doesn’t approve of. When/if that happens, you have no choice but to shun your own family to show you’re loyalty to the Mormon god.

Deplorable LDS Presidency Statement on Rape

Divinity of Joseph Smith Indicated by Perfect Church 

Domestic Violence in Mormonism

Enslaved to Mormonism: Hiding Guilty Evidence of Occult Behavior

Mormons are required to ritualistically cut out and burn the markings of their temple garments. We have to ask why?

‘Father Adam’ Married His Daughter

Why would a ‘father god’ have sex with his supposed daughter he created, and why wouldn’t Brigham give detailed info about this?

General Conference April 2018 Talk Summaries

Holy Spirit Aids Those Who Believe in Joseph Smith

Jesus’ Atonement Ineffective without Joseph Smith

Jeffrey Holland declared the blood of Jesus doesn’t do all it can if Mormons don’t believe Joseph came to restore the ‘true gospel’.

Joseph Smith Controlled Nauvoo Landowners

If newcomers didn’t buy property through Joe Smith, the land dealer, you couldn’t obtain salvation.

LDS Bans Tithes of Excommunicated

LDS Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith: ‘No Man Will Visit The Moon’

Location of Sacred Grove a Mystery 

Why doesn’t the Church know where Joe Smith went to pray on the infamous day of his first vision? 

Mandatory Tithing for Mormon Salvation

If you tithe, you won’t be burned at Jesus’ 2nd Coming. No tithe means no salvation. 

Miracles of Jesus aren’t True According to Brigham

Mormon Gods Aplenty

In April 2017 Jeffrey Holland told Mormons that Jesus is ‘a god, which is exactly what Bruce R. McConkie said fifty-one years earlier in 1966.

Mormon Paid Clergy Lies

Thomas Monson and Henry Eyring were just two of the many LDS leaders telling the same lie there are no paid clergy in Mormonism. Shame!

No Procreation for Non-Exalted Mormons

The Mormon god can/will remove bodily functions of those who aren’t exalted. Question: is this really the god you want to worship?

No Temple Means No Salvation

Occult Symbols in Mormonism Sold as Christmas Ornaments

Past Prophets Must be Morally Wrong According to Mormon’s Latest Campaign

Quentin L. Cook stated that anyone who is racist is morally wrong and doesn’t understand God.

Priesthood Holders are Gods

According to Hyrum Andrus the Mormon Priesthood is God, making priesthood holders gods as well.

Salvation Chasm: Mormonism v. Christianity

According to LDS Apostle George Q. Cannon, salvation for anyone was only possible by acknowledging Joseph Smith was God’s chowen one.

They’re Baaack. LDS Attempts at Unauthorized Baptisms of Famous People, Dead or Alive

Want the Holy Ghost? Qualify, and Plead for ‘It’

Was Joseph Smith the ‘Voice Crying in the Wilderness’?

What Spirit Guides Members of Mormonism?

Mormonism teaches there are always two spirits guiding man, but Jesus told us a house divided cannot stand!

When Secrets Become Scandals: Joe Smith’s 42 Wives Were Friends of Emma

Mormonism: Women Created for Marriage and Motherhood

Brigham Young stated polygamy was created to give women the opportunity to have babies so they can be saved.

Women Who Fight Against Polygamy Go To Hell

World to be Subdued Under Joseph Smith

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