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Many LDS Women Denied Sacrament During Pandemic

 Last week a good friend (Melissa Brown) gave me a heads up about an article she read online at Religion News Service. The author (Jana Reiss) spoke about her frustration with the Church’s new rules regarding Sacrament (aka, Communion), during the pandemic.

She pointed out the new rules meant that she, and millions of other LDS women, through no fault of their own, would fall short of qualifying to partake of the Lord’s Supper. To read her article in full, see

Her article reminded me of how Kirk, and I shared Communion here in our home recently, and another time when the Women’s Ministry Team at my church served Communion at a retreat. The list of rules in both scenarios were taken from God’s word. Mark 14:22-25, and 1 Corinthians 11:26

“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”

There were no requirements for a man to be in charge of offering the prayer, nor was it necessary for an ‘authorized person’ to administer the elements.

To be sure, our hearts go out to Ms. Reiss, and our empathy for her plight is twofold. She’s been lied to about Communion, and she’s following the lies of the deceiver.

Here in part is what she said –

“The church did not shut down access to the sacrament for everyone—only those who live in families that have no authorized priesthood holder. When there’s an authorized priesthood holder, he has been deputized to prepare and administer the sacrament at home until church meetings can reconvene.

Here’s what the church has said to those of us who do not have a priesthood holder at home:

“In unusual circumstances when the sacrament is not available, members can be comforted by studying the sacrament prayers and recommitting to live the covenants members have made and praying for the day they will receive it in person, properly administered by the priesthood.”

… there are more women who do not have access to the priesthood in the home than who do.”

As Christians, we know their manmade rules are absolutely false! We’re praying this pandemic opens the eyes of Mormons everywhere, and they take immediate action to leave the lies behind, and come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus and Him crucified.

Please, pray for Ms. Reiss, and others like her!

With Love in Christ;


1 Cor. 1:18

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