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Following and Knowing His Voice

January 4 — Following and Knowing His Voice. Matthew 4:19 “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”


Heeding Jesus’ call to ministry brings a higher level of commitment than that of just someone amongst the crowd. Jesus purposefully went to the Sea of Galilee (One of the Bible’s Seven Seas) which was where He often went to pray, and where David and Moses both tended sheep. They were separated from the everyday worries and commotions of life, and it’s where He chose His disciples. The disciples were unlearned by worldly standards, and came from a life of hardships which helped qualify them for the road ahead.

Matthew Henry pointed out some interesting points about those whom Jesus chose to lead His flock. As you’ll see today, it differs greatly from what the LDS Church had to say!

Those who would preach Christ, must first learn Christ, and learn of him. How can we expect to bring others to the knowledge of Christ, if we do not know him well ourselves?

Those who would get an acquaintance with Christ, must be diligent and constant in their attendance on him.

Christ is the great pattern for preachers, and they ought to be workers together with him.

One of the most haunting warnings in the Bible came when Jesus told people that His sheep hear His voice. Obviously, if you’re following church prophets, there’s no way you could be following Jesus!

John 10:27-28 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”


“We may not avoid every storm of life, but following the counsel of living prophets will help us ride out the storm.” — Quentin L. Cook, “Members in Isolated City Radiate Goodness, Dedication, Faith, and Love””, Church News and Events, 6/26/2012

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