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False Teachings of Mormonism

True Converts

Teachings of the Living Prophets Student Manual, Truly Converted Latter-day Saints Sustain the Prophets; “Now I want to impress this upon you. Someone has said it this way, and I believe it to be absolutely true: ‘That person is not truly converted until he sees the power of God resting upon the leaders of this church, and until it goes down into his heart like fire.’ Until the members of this church have that conviction that they are being led in the right way, and they have a conviction that these men of God are men who are inspired and have been properly appointed by the hand of God, they are not truly converted.” (In Conference Report, Apr. 1972, p. 118; or Ensign, July 1972, p. 103)” – Harold B. Lee

1 Timothy 2:3-6; “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”

We aren’t to testify of anyone but Christ Jesus as it says in this passage.  Praise God His message of salvation is so clear and simple for us to discern and obey. Imagine how convoluted it would be with more than one person at the helm of our salvation! 

Pray for those who’ve been tricked into believing they don’t have salvation without believing in all their leaders and oh yeah…the Mormon god too.

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