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Mormon Dilemma 484

Mighty God and Sleeping One

In today’s dilemma we’re getting a 2-fer.  Figures 10-11 are found on the left side of the hypocephalus, placed upside down and translated incorrectly.  How’s that for a prophetic deliverance?

As I’ve been studying these things I’ve also been watching a series on the Military Channel of all things where they’ve aired several programs on Ancient Egypt.  Not surprisingly none of the expert’s opinions would agree with Smith’s analysis of these Egyptian hieroglyphics.

The narrators spoke of the Ancient Egyptians and how they would wait and wait and wait some more for the gods to deliver them. Alas, their gods were non-existent or worse yet were portrayed in grotesque drawings by the demonic deeds of Satan himself. And because their leader of the day would trick them into believing this god was the real god they never questioned, but just obeyed.  Sound familiar?

The drawings found on temple walls and in their graveyards look just like the items we’ve seen here. It’s obvious none of these have anything to do with our Lord.

Joseph’s translation is seen next to each picture and the true explanation is in red font for both figures shown today

Mighty god

10. Also.

Deveria’s translation of segment 10; 

Fig. 10; “O mighty god, lord of heaven and earth” 

See Charles Larson’s By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus, pg 107. 

Sleeping Ones

11. Also. If the world can find out these numbers, so let it be. Amen.

Deveria’s translation of segment 11; 

Fig. 11;”O god of the sleeping ones from the time of creation” 

Also in Charles Larson’s By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus, pg 107. 

Well the world figured it out so now what? 

Where is any hope for the Mormon people from this god? Clearly the god we’ve seen depicted here thus far hasn’t the power to heal, redeem or overcome the enemy!  Where is the promise of salvation? Or where is the hope of no more tears and pain for today or in the next life? 

When did this god fight valiantly for you or come to your defense? Where is the unchangeableness in this god or his cohorts?  All we’ve seen is a sexual proclivity that has defined these gods and their behavior has nothing to do with the One True God of the Bible. 

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