Site icon Life After Ministry

Introducing Dave and Jill!

Life at the ministry has been filled with the most amazing events lately!

We’ve been blessed by many e-mails from people sharing their news of salvation in the Lord from all over the country but tonight we thought we’d share one of the latest!

A couple wrote in about a month or so ago expressing their thanks for our info on the site and as I’ve corresponded with them back and forth the obvious excitement in their voices and words are evident of the work the HS is doing in their lives.

I thought I’d share their latest so here it is! I’ve removed their last names and the name of their church and town for privacy reasons.  I’m positive you’ll rejoice with me in their great news!

Hi Michelle,

Just an update on our progress for you. Life has become MUCH better as we have found both new friends and hope with the _____ church in ______.

This last Sunday we both participated in communion, WOW and WOW. The spirit was exceptionally strong and beautiful. Our family has come around and as of now our oldest son his wife and two children have resigned from the LDS church. Our youngest son who is 22 has also shown interest in having his name removed.

Best yet this Sunday Jill and I are to be baptized.

I thank you and your team for your efforts, I thank god everyday for his help finding you. You will be seeing a new blog soon I have decided to write a blog about our transformation from the Cult. Jill and I have found that there are many here in _____ who are on the verge and need just a little nudge. There are few to no resources to help these folks through the process, I find great fear among those we have talked to, they want to leave but fear the loss of the spirit and lost blessings among other fears. Could I have your permission to show a link to your site on my blog?

Both Jill and I would like to give you are Love and admiration.


Here’s a note that I received from the wife of this beautiful couple –

“There’s going to be some dark days ahead in the next several months as Satan works hard trying to convince you of how wrong you are, how horrible you’ve been, how you’ve thrown everything away, etc, etc but you hold strong darlin’ because THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

Michelle, these are the words that have sustained me for the last several weeks.  I was so very lost before God found me, I cannot express to you how truth has liberated me. I am so glad that through your encouragement Dave and I are out of the LDS church.  The truth has truly set us both free. I feel peace, I feel joy, I feel confidence in Christ, knowing what I am doing is right.

I am so amazed at the Grace Jesus offers me as a sinner, I am his, his creation and he loves me. I see this in such a different way than I did before when I was part of the LDS Church.  I truly thought that we as Christians and the LDS Jesus were worshipped in the same way.  Now through reading the bible I see how the LDS church has cheapened his grace, his mercy, his divinity as to who he really is.  He is not a mere man, our brother, he is GOD and what he has done for us on the cross at Calvary should never be cheapened as I believe now the LDS do. He created everything for us he is divine.

I just wanted to say thank you Michelle for your website and your team, all their hard work to bring people to Christ.  I truly feel saved and was able to lay all my guilt, short comings, loneliness, misery that I felt in the LDS church at his feet.  I cannot tell you what a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and the joy that has flooded my very being. The best thing about what I am FEELING is that I have truth to back it up so I am going to embrace it and absorb every moment until Satan throws me another curve ball.  LOL Thanks again Michelle for your wonderful website that WILL bring so many lost souls unto Christ our redeemer.

With love in Christ as a fellow Christian Jill

THIS is why I do ministry! This is the fruit of the Spirit and God’s mighty miracles that He performs every day all over the world for people!  Thank You Jesus!

With Love in Christ;


1 Cor 1:18

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