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The Corrupting Influence of LDS Self-Reliance

‘The Christian worker must never forget that salvation is God’s thought, not man’s… … Every element of self-reliance must be slain by the power of God.’ — Oswald Chambers, May 5

 Today we’re exploring one of the Church’s new advertisements that was listed on the front page of their website last week. The topic was on the benefits of Self-Reliance.

Practical Courses, Spiritual Benefits “…Self-reliance does not mean that we can accomplish or obtain anything we want. If we are self-reliant we believe that through the power of Christ, and through our own effort, we can work for the spiritual and practical needs of life. Many people can become more self-reliant. … The self-reliance initiative is a tool to help.” [emp. added]

Galatians 3:2 “This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?”

Taking a page from Christianity’s playbook, the LDS Church has drastically changed the structure of their everyday operations with their ‘Ministering’ program, and in yet another new program they call, ‘self-reliance services’. Here in part is what their site says –

“The self-reliance initiative is a tool to help. In the initiative, much of the work takes place in small groups that combine spiritual principles with practical skills. Groups are focused on one of four areas: employment, education, personal finances, or starting and growing a business.”

You might be asking yourself why this is a problem. …

Based on the Church’s track record they don’t do anything to help people unless you’ve signed on a dotted line stating intent of membership, which of course means more revenue for the Church.

While masquerading as an info resource for their welfare program, as well as obtaining small loans, and becoming your go-to-guy in the world of financial advice, their ill advice behind the scenes will be the most costly event of your life. That means the spiritual cost, not your pocketbook.

As a gimmick to drag you in, they provide short infomercial type videos laden with several testimonials on how their principles work to make your more financially responsible, i.e. successful. You’ll also see a short blurb from one of their Stake Presidents who said that it envelops all parts of a member’s life including temple work, etc.

The whole scenario is like a mix between trying to imitate Dave Ramsey (a well respected Christian financial advisor), and a middle of the night infomercial you see for the latest snake-oil product promising a successful lengthy life.

We pray that all people, Mormons and non-Mormons alike, will see this for what it is. If you Google the phrase ‘bible verse self reliance’, a ton of resources come at you with lists of bible warnings against not relying on God.

That is the problem.

You won’t find the term self-reliance in the Bible because it goes against everything having to do with God. I based the title of our article today on how one Christian author described self reliance  –

“Being saved by grace may be easy to stomach when we’re first converted. That first time God opens our eyes to the gospel, we’re often already painfully aware of the brokenness inside of us, with varying levels of shame and regret over our past. The longer we’re “Christian” though, we can slowly and subtly begin to feel less needy. Self-reliance can creep in, corrupting our awareness of our own corruption and awakening fresh confidence in our own energy and effort.” — Desiring God, Marshall Segal

That my friends is a perfect example of what’s going on in Mormonism. Self-reliance leads us further away from God, not to Him. Your entire message is negated when you start using the terms ‘self-reliance’ and ‘I can work for this’

As you pray for your Mormon friends/loved ones, remember also to ask for their opinion on this new teaching of their church.

With Love in Christ;


1 Cor 1:18

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