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Conference Quote: Humbly Repent for Doubting

 General Conference, ‘Is the Plan Working?’, April 2022 “All of us face boisterous winds that can shake our faith and cause us to sink. When we struggle—for any reason—that does not mean the plan isn’t working. That is when we need the plan the most!

In those moments, follow the example of Peter. Turn to the Savior right away.

“Now is the time and the day of your salvation. … Do not procrastinate the day of your repentance.”8

Humble yourself before the Lord… Peter had shown faith, both in walking on the water and in reaching out to the Savior when he needed help. Even so, the Savior saw in Peter the potential for so much more. “O thou of little faith,” He said, “wherefore didst thou doubt?”10

Peter could have resented this rebuke. But he accepted it humbly… Never will the plan of happiness become more real to you than when you are helping others to live it. …I testify that the plan of happiness works.” — Adrián Ochoa [emp. added]

Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

Mr. Ochoa’s brazen contempt for the Lord knows no bounds and is seen in the way he twisted the meanings of Bible passages to suit the Church’s agenda.

Instead of shaming members for questioning he could’ve used the passage he quoted about Peter (Matthew 10:31) to encourage, or remind them of what it says in Mark 9:24.

“And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”

This talk was another example of scolding people for daring to think independently and is a clear indication member retention is still an ongoing issue.

Another problem with this man’s talk is found in the BoM reference he used (Alma 34:31, 33) which states there’s no chance of doing work for salvation after you’re dead. If they believe this what’s the deal with all the temples?

Mr. Ochoa asked if the plan was working and to this, we have to answer with a resounding NO! 

Lastly beloved, their ‘plan of happiness’ is another term they use for ‘plan of salvation’ revealing their god’s plan that man must die. See link for more info. The God of the Bible would never sanction such a thing! His word confirms this in Ezekiel 18:32

“For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.”

My heart breaks as I think of how lost my people are still today. Thankfully, many are seeing the truth – PTL!

Please, pray for those who believe this man’s lies and for the Lord Christ Jesus to intervene!

With Love in Christ —


1 Cor 1:18

  1. Alma 34:31, 33

“Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for behold, now is the time and the day of your salvation; and therefore, if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you. 33 And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed.”

  1. Matthew 14:31

“And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”

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