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Is Mormonism a Cult?

 Is Mormonism a Cult?

That is the question in today’s political news headlines and the word cult alone draws immediate reactions from both sides of the debate.

While Romney is trying to keep the focus on what he’s attempting to accomplish in becoming President of the United States, regular citizens and other politicians are still debating the issue.  On Saturday, October 8, 2011, the Value Voters Summit hosted the gathering of conservative presidential hopefuls.  A pastor from Texas introduced Perry as a God-fearing Christian and remarked to a reporter that Mitt is part of a cult.  As you can imagine his comments raised a few eyebrows.

We have an article on the site here detailing the differences between Christianity and Mormonism that we’ve titled: Mormonism, Christian or Cult that you can read here:

But let’s go to the big question here.  Is Mormonism a cult and is it wrong to say such a thing?

Almost thirty years ago I sat in a friend’s family room watching a television program they had invited me over to view with them.  The local channel in Oklahoma City was airing a new documentary called The GodMakers.

My friend who was also a co-worker had never met a Mormon before we met.  When she heard about the GodMakers airing on television she thought it’d be a perfect opportunity to invite me over to ask some questions about my faith.  Being very green about how to handle questions from outsiders about Mormonism, I reacted rather than responding in a ladylike, Christian manner.

Everyone who knows me has heard my story of spitting on the face of Ed Decker at the showing of the GodMakers and yep, this is the “big event” of when that happened.

While I obviously didn’t appreciate Ed’s work back then, I was even more offended at the question my friend asked when the documentary ended.  In a very nice tone of voice Casey asked me if I was in a cult.

The immediate reaction I had must’ve spoken volumes to my friend so long ago.  I gave her a heated tongue lashing and left in a huff.

Was it hurtful to hear someone tell you that you’re in a cult?  Absolutely!  Is it wrong?  Absolutely not.

I remember how much it hurt me personally when my friend asked me that question, but if she hadn’t of done so, what good would it have served me in life for her to hide the truth?

I was already questioning Mormonism and had been for years by the time I met Casey.  The other people I’d end up meeting in the upcoming years all asked me the same question I was asked in Oklahoma City in 1983.  I finally had to face the truth head on.

In 1991 I took out a piece of paper and a pencil and drew a line down the middle of the paper.  On one side I wrote “Bible” and the other side said “Mormon”.  I took two years of investigating, reading, going to libraries to read information on the Church and I used my 3-in-1 diligently.

After that time of in-depth study I finally came to the inescapable truth.  I couldn’t be a Christian and a Mormon at the same time.  The decision to leave my heritage and its dogma didn’t come easy to me.  Next to burying my daughter it was the most difficult thing I’d ever done in my life.

I begged God, pleaded with Him and even bargained at one point.  That was over 18 years ago and if there’s anything I regret it’s that I didn’t do it sooner.

If you’re trying to be politically correct in an unsaved world accusing someone of being in a cult probably isn’t the proper thing to do.  If however your heart and tongue is led by God, you’re probably not going to keep your mouth shut – which is a good thing!

So yes, Mitt Romney is a member of a cult and I’d have a hard time voting for someone who takes secret oaths, believes he can become a god over his own planet and believes that people in heaven will practice polygamy.

Also take the time to read the article below or bookmark it to come back to it, I promise you won’t regret the time spent in reading it!

A few years ago I received an e-mail from a group of young Mormon people detailing why Mormonism is the “only true Church on the face of the earth”.  As you’ll see through my rebuttal of their claims this is called “The 16 Points of a True Church”.  This will help those who are witnessing to Mormons by giving you an inside look at how they think and it explains what makes a cult a cult.

If you’re Mormon, know that we’re praying for you.  I don’t say these things flippantly and I’m obviously aware they will probably make you angry.  I’m sad that your emotions are this way right now, but I’m not sorry for the truth.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me @

With Love in Christ, Michelle

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