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Mormon Concubines

We posted the following article in 2015, but they still haven’t denounced this idolatrous teaching!

If you’re LDS, is this what you expect from your leaders?

Daily Journal of Abraham H. Cannon, April 15, 1894, v. 18, p. 70; “Father [George Q. Cannon] now spoke of the unfortunate condition of the people at present in regard to marriage…. ‘I believe in concubinage, or some plan whereby men and women can live together under sacred ordinances and vows until they can be married…. such a condition would have to be kept secret, until the laws of our government change to permit the holy order of wedlock which God has revealed, which will undoubtedly occur at no distant day, in order to correct the social evil….’

– Pres. Snow. ‘I have no doubt but concubinage will yet be practiced in this church, but I had not thought of it in this connection. When the nations are troubled good women will come here for safety and blessing, and men will accept them as concubines.’
– Pres. Woodruff: ‘If men enter into some practice of this character to raise a righteous posterity, they will be justified in it…’”
Hebrews 13:4; “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”

Before I knew the Lord I was quick to judge anyone who didn’t live up to my self-imposed standards which not surprisingly, didn’t match up with God’s standards.

Today I see LDS documents like this one and my heart just grieves. It grieves for the unbelievably raunchy mindset these men had let themselves be dragged into. It grieves for the kids they raise who will think like their fathers in the years to come.

Mostly my heart grieves for the Lord, and what He must think.

Their behavior and mindset is deplorable of this there’s no doubt, but for today pray for those who will follow in their footsteps. Pray the Holy Spirit puts a wall around them spiritually that’ll prevent them from condoning this behavior.

With Love in Christ;


1 Cor 1:18

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