
Posts Tagged ‘Richards’

Proverbs 22:6; “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

In my beloved Utah there’s a natural (albeit strange) phenomena called ‘Pando’,


It’s a small forested area with one big problem. The entire 106 acre Aspen forest grew from one root system. This means if one dies, they all die. There are no new saplings growing from dropped seeds. What trees there are, has grown by the sheer force of the underground root system spreading across the land. Scientists discovered it in the ‘60’s and have determined it’s about 130 years old.

In addition to Pando, a somewhat similar phenomena has taken over the Wasatch Front that originally took root on the eastern seaboard. Nepotism in the Church has been a long standing problem to everyone but those who belong to this human form of Pando. Making matters worse is the force behind the root system – blasphemy.


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