
Posts Tagged ‘Mormon Holy Ghost isn’t God’

John 14:17“Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

holy-spirit-12017My youngest daughter just graduated from university after a few years of hard work, and many hours of study! Her father and I couldn’t be more proud as you might imagine, and now we’re looking forward to seeing what Jesus has planned in her next phase of life.

One mainstay during her studies, was the consummate help she received from the student advisor. She was able to call, or drop in at his office whenever she needed insight as to what classes she should take in the upcoming semester, and what she should focus on to complete her degree. Without his help, she would’ve been in a world of hurt, as they say! He was certainly a blessing as he came alongside her at that time in her life.


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When does the Spirit Physically Arrive to People? 

Promptings of the Sprit, pg. 83; “There are also certain activities that encourage heaven to grant that initial, clear, and unmistakable outpouring of the Spirit. Some examples are as follows: reading the Book of Mormon, reading other scriptures, attending regular Church meetings, missionary work, service to others, temple work, family gatherings, visiting the sick and shut-ins, writing in our journals, and other righteous pursuits. Anything that is praiseworthy, lovely, or of good report encourages the presence of the Spirit. The Lord is eager to bless us as we are actively engaged in worthy pursuits. However, studying the Book of Mormon is surely at the top of the list.”


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