
Posts Tagged ‘Nelson’

‘Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet’. Acts 7:48

Today, and tomorrow we’re looking at a few talks given at General Conference earlier this month, and pulled some of the most notable things that were said. It seems there were two main topics this time around. Most of the talks focused on race issues, or keeping a current temple recommend, or both.

As an FYI, the numbering system we’ve used here doesn’t reflect the order of talks given at the conference.

1‘Badge of Obedience to a Prophet of God’.

General Conference, ‘Recommended to the Lord’, October 2020 “Latter-day Saint temples…stand as testaments of faith in eternal life. … He sets the standards by which we enter as His guests.

The phrase “recommended to the Lord” puts additional perspective on being interviewed regularly by Church leaders. … A temple recommend is not a checklist or ticket for special seating. … To be “recommended of the Lord” means striving to become like Him. …

During President Howard W. Hunter’s first address as 14th President of the Church, he said, “It would please the Lord if every adult member would be worthy of — and carry — a current temple recommend.” After hearing President Hunter that day, President Russell M. Nelson said his temple recommend “became my badge of obedience to a prophet of God.”

Though temples throughout the world are closed or in limited use…being worthy to attend the temple has not been suspended. Whether you have access to a temple or not, you need a current temple recommend to stay firmly on the covenant path.” — Ronald A. Rasband (more…)

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