
Posts Tagged ‘Praise to the Man hymn’

‘TIS THE SEASON for Smithmas

Joseph or JesusIn recent weeks the Church has produced a lot of material promoting the idea they want the Saints to be focused on Jesus because it is after all the Christmas season. I noticed a theme that kept running through each of the articles they produced and it had little to do with Jesus, but a lot to do with the praise and adoration of their founder, Joseph Smith. I thought it’d be good to re-post an article I wrote a few years back that outlined just how wonderful Mr. Smith was. The following was originally posted in December 2008.

     Here we are with another Thanksgiving and Christmas season upon us!  I love this time of year for the changing colors of the trees, the air smells like the season’s cold is getting ready to lay itself down upon us, and of course for the food.  Yum!
     Alas, I would be remiss if I were to go about my day in this glorious time without giving my favorite reason…Jesus!
     While December 25th may not be the actual date of Jesus’ birth, it serves as a great reminder for us as to why we celebrate to begin with!

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