
Posts Tagged ‘John Boynton’

Mormon Decisions 10History of the Church 2:191; “John F. Boynton’s Blessing:—Thou hast prevailed and thou shalt prevail, and thou shalt declare the Gospel untoJohn f Boynton many nations. Thou shalt be made mighty before God; and although thou shalt be cast out from the face of men, yet thou shalt have power to prevail. Thou shalt lead the elect triumphantly to the places of refuge; thou shalt be like the brethren who have been blessed before thee. Thou shalt stand in that day of calamity when the wicked shall be consumed, and present unto the Father, spotless, the fruits of thy labor. Thou shalt overcome all the evils that are in the world; thou shalt have wisdom to put to silence all the wisdom of the wise; and thou shalt see the face of thy Redeemer in the flesh. These blessings are pronounced and sealed upon thee. Even so. Amen.” – February 15, 1835


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