
Posts Tagged ‘pageants’

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.Matthew 16:18

 Today beloved, we’re taking a look at the way Satan tries to divert attention from the cherished assurances our dear Lord promised 2,000 years ago.

This is one of the top reasons why I left my heritage. I can still see the words on the pages of my Bible as I read what Jesus had to say when I was all of ten years old. It was then that I began praying for Jesus to send Christians to Utah. Today each time I speak at a church, the very first thing I bring up is the miracle my eyes are beholding as I scan over the audience.

Each Christian is walking proof Joseph Smith lied.

Every summer for the past 40+ years, the LDS Church has hosted Broadway-type productions known as ‘pageants’ which are reenactments of key moments in Mormon history. One year (1997) even the famed Mormon, Donny Osmond, participated in the Palmyra production. (more…)

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