
Posts Tagged ‘Lisa Harkness’

Matthew 15:9 “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

Today we’re looking at three comments from a talk given by Lisa Harkness at the October 2020 General Conference. If you’re unaware, Lisa Harkness is a counselor of the LDS Primary. To read her talk in full, see General Conference, ‘Peace Be Still’, October 2020.

This talk was based on the gospel of Mark, chapter four, where she used a few selected verses to remind LDS members to stay calm during difficult times. Before we go on, I want to be sure my message comes across loud, and clear.

My heart breaks for this woman, and those who’ve been misled by her false teachings. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say it’s sad, she’s so misled, and at the same time frustrated she would lie to people like my mother who most certainly listened to this woman’s talk.

We’re listing her three comments below, and comparing those with what the Bible says. The reason we’re pointing these out is to show why it’s vitally important to know the word of God. The ‘little’ things she said actually describe a different god than that of what is truth. (more…)

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‘…upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ Matthew 16:18

Today we’re looking at two quotes from a couple of talks given by two women at General Conference a few days ago.

The two women are Lisa Harkness, and Michelle Craig. To read their talks in full, see links in the article for each.

As a heads up, the numbering system we’ve used doesn’t reflect the order talks were given at the conference.

We’re praying our Christian friends will stop to pray for those who gave the talks, and those who heard their blasphemy. It’s obvious those in charge are just as confused as ever.

At the end, everyone must answer the question Whom Will You Follow? Will it be Jesus, or Joseph?

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